Despite the gorgeous weather we’ve been having over the past few weeks, the leaves have changed colour and started to fall, the kids are super excited about celebrating Halloween, and I am craving comfort food and heart warming slow cooked meals. Here are a few things that got me falling in love with Fall all…
Our Fall Wallpaper Download
Hello Fall! I can’t believe it is here already, it feels like yesterday that the snow was melting on the ground. But I am a sweater weather kinda gal so I really am looking forward to the cooler evenings, the coloured leaves in the trees and the warming fire crackling up at the cottage. As…
L’Hôtel Marrakesh
“L’Hôtel Marrakech is a privately owned Riad set in the heart of the ‘red city’s’ Medina. This historic 19th century riad, originally the central part of a Caidal palace, comprises five spacious suites surrounding a uniquely wide courtyard garden and swimming pool. Owned by Jasper Conran, the riad combines superb Moroccan craftsmanship with pieces of antique furniture, textiles,…
Pimping my Kids School Bags with DeSerres
Back-to-school: an uncertain time where my kids feel a mixture of excitement and anxiety. On the one hand, they cannot wait to see their friends again but on the other, they feel like they have completely forgotten everything they’ve previously learned and will not be able to go through this school year. To make their…
DIY: Un Ikea Hack Boho et Estival
Des Ikea Hacks, on en a vu un et un autre. Certains sont réussis et d’autres ne passeront clairement pas le test du temps, mais c’est ce qui les rend amusants. Et puis, des fois il y en a qui sont juste vraiment trop mignons qu’on se doit vraiment de les essayer. Cette petite chaise en…
Summer Desktop Wallpaper Download
With the snowy winter and wet spring we’ve had, I have to admit that I wasn’t sure summer would ever come. But it’s here and it’s glorious! As I get ready to leave on vacation with my little clan, my bags strewn all around me on the floor, I can’t help but feel thankful and…
Weekly Links: The Pre Vacation Edition
I am “counting the dodos” before we head off to England at the end of the week. Because we are five and because my little Teddy does not like to be uprooted, even for vacations sake, we have opted to travel abroad every other year. Two years ago we went to Morocco and now well,…
Trending: Window Basksplash
“I discovered windows one afternoon and after that, nothing was ever the same.”- Anne Spollen One of the things I prefer about spending most days perusing blogs, magazines and design trade shows is discovering new ways to reinvent how we feel in our homes. Ways to push the boundaries of our living spaces to their limits and to…
Art Edit: 25 Art Prints on a Budget
Art prints have taken the design world by storm. Popping up all over the web and in local shops, it seems nobody can meet the demand for these affordable, whimsical and colourful pieces of popular art. Alone on a big white wall or grouped together in a curated gallery (curated being the operating word here),…
7 astuces pour magasiner les Marchés aux Puces comme les pros
J’aime chiner ce n’est pas un secret pour personne. Je le fais depuis des années et j’adore toujours autant le faire. Ceci étant dit, je n’ai pas toujours été la personne la plus à l’aise avec l’idée de négocier ou encore de fouiner. Il a fallu que je me développe des trucs pour y parvenir….
My Week’s Reading
After what has been the worst floods in longer than I can remember, the sun has finally come out and warmer weather has begun to dry the lands and homes. Despite the devastation of over 4000 homes all over Québec, I cannot help to be humbled by the resilience of the residents and their sense…
Ma salle à manger revampée avec Premier
Ça fait quelques années déjà que je travaille avec Canadian Tire sur différents projets de déco patio, peinture créative {wow j’étais rousse pas à peu près!}, Noël 2015 & Noël 2016. Alors j’étais contente de recevoir une fois de plus l’appel du plus grand magasin général canadien pour cette fois-ci découvrir leur nouvelle gamme de peinture…