I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed that the banner of the blog changes every season. It is something I’ve donc for a few years now, with the help of Valérie, my graphist extraordinaire. There is no real reason to this except the fact that I like change and that it feels like the blog…
Etsy Edit: 17 trouvailles pour Pâques 100% locales
Êtes-vous du genre à passer tout un samedi après-midi à peindre, teindre, “mod podger”, ou colorier des oeufs de Pâques? Join the club! C’est une tradition que j’ai commencé dans notre famille avec ma grande fille il y a presque 8 ans et que nous perpétuons depuis à chaque année en gang. On n’a pas besoin d’avoir…
My DIY Easter Edit: 7 Ideas to Try at Home
In our family we love holidays. All of the holidays! Not because of their commercial factor but because they are a reason to gather with friends and family, to eat great food and to cherish some downtime with our little ones. That being said there are certain holidays that are just much more fun to…
Trending: Living Green
A huge trend this season, if not the largest, the addition of plants and green elements in our homes is on everyone’s minds. Last seen in numbers back in the ’70’s and ’80’s, plants have slowly been replaced by lifeless objects, in metal, ceramic, wood or textile, placed on shelves and coffee tables in order…
Colour Therapy: Yellow
There is still snow outside my door, not for much longer I hope. I am anxious to see the leaves break their wintery shells under the warm Spring rays. Along with the change of seasons we see a whole new colour palette appear: blades of green grass, purple and pink magnolia blooms, white and blush…
5 Steps to Mixing Patterns: A Child’s Play
Mixing patterns can be scary. To some people it is so scary that they would rather trust a completely unknown hairdresser with their beloved luxuriant mane rather than risk mixing a ticking stripe with a floral print. I get it, it is unsettling, but without risk comes no reward. So I thought that I’d give…
Make It: A Tasseled Ikea Hack
I have a super small second bathroom upstairs where a proper vanity simply doesn’t fit. The only option then was to incorporate a free standing sink, a small tiled shower and the “loo”. Hence storage has always been somewhat of an issue. So I recently got the RÅSKOG Utility Cart in black and quickly put it to work…
Trending: Indigo
Long before there were synthetic dyes, Indigo, made from the flowering Indigofera plant has been used for centuries. It is a timeless color that elicits feelings of majesty and spiritual depth. All I am of the believers that indigo activates the right, creative side of the brain or to reduce stress and increase compassion. Blue, just like a good…
Un condo de jeunes professionnels dans le Mile End
Dans le coeur du Mile End, populé de vieux appartements typiquement montréalais avec leurs longs corridors sans fin et leurs escaliers extérieurs, se situe ce nouvel édifice où les unités détonnent de leur environnement par leur caractère urbain et leur ossature dépourvue d’artifice. Il en est donc revenu à la brancoli design d’y insuffler un peu…
Arrête de mettre ta langue dans sa bouche
Je suis née d’un père québécois et d’une mère française. J’ai grandit toute ma vie ici, je suis québécoise et j’en suis fière { la plupart du temps du moins}. Mon mari est québécois et nos enfants aussi. Mais de ces 3 enfants, un a choisi de ne parler que l’anglais. Oui je sais, on…
Favorite Links: Love is in the Air
“The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves.”— Victor Hugo Donuts make a heart grow fonder. This recipe is pretty yummy. These floral letters spell out love loud and clear. The coziest breakfast in bed set up. #goals The BEST plain white T I’ve…
Greenery: More than Just a Colour
Pantone elected Greenery as being of the colour of the year, a hue that does not reinvent anything and actually makes me think of a trend that was, {to my taste} overused in a not so distant past. Just remember those backsplashes, ceramic vases with tall blades of faux grass or even the subway tiles in that “celery inspired”…