I have been rewriting this post, all week, not finding the right words to express how I feel deep inside. Part rage, part deception at our human condition, the events that took place in France last week will leave an indelible mark on my brain for the rest of my life. You know how your…
A Letter from Teddy to the World
I just finished writing a letter that I never even imagined could be necessary. But it seems there is still a gaping need for education. I hope it can help, even in the tiniest of ways. And I wanted to share it with you, just because… Here it is: Hi my name is Teddy, I…
Christmas at Home: Teddy’s Room
Do you find it hard to make a Christmas theme… boyish? As you know – I have been quite verbal about it – I decided to make a little tree for each of my children this year and I was wondering how I would feel about having one in Teddy’s room. I was afraid that…
Christmas at Home: Madie’s Room
My Madie Monkey gets to sleep every night in what feels like a music box, all glitter and prettiness, and I have to say I am living vicariously through her. So, for Christmas, decorating her tree was the easiest thing in the world. I chose candy colours, cupcakes ornaments and all the little toys I…
Christmas at Home: Ma’ila’s Room
I don’t think I ever showed you my eldest’s room. My beautiful Ma’ila, now an almost all grown up 10 years old, has no particular enjoyment for all things pink. Despite that though, she is still very much a girl at heart and it shows in her decor in subtle turquoise & Kelly green….
Christmas at Home: Our Dining Room
I presented my Christmas home, or should I say living room, last week and the response was quite unexpected. Thank you so much! Well today I want to show you where the true parties happen… in the dining room! I decorated the room with the fun products of the new CANVAS collection of Canadian Tire,…
Chez Caroline de Buk & Nola
Bon et bien il faut que je vous avoue quelque chose… ça faisait VRAIMENT longtemps que j’anticipais mon “thé chez” Caroline, l’une des deux fondatrices de la coquette boutique Buk & Nola sur la rue Laurier Est. Premièrement parce qu’elle a un goût impeccable et deuzio parce qu’elle est tellement sweet, ça n’a même pas…
CANVAS: Christmas at my Forever House
So, welcome to my home! That’s what I had the pleasure of saying last week to about 25 different media people as they walked in my home for a CANVAS Holiday Collection event by Canadian Tire. The concept was both simple and original: to outfit my home to showcase their beautiful new collection in the “real”…
Une chambre partagée très colorée
Pour la dernière, oui oui la dernière, nouvelle émission de la saison 3 de Sauvez les Meubles, j’ai eu le plus beau cadeau que je pouvais espérer! Ce cadeau est celui de faire une chambre d’enfants … pas pour une mais bien pour deux fillettes! #HappyDance Leurs parents se sont mariés sur le…
Une salle familiale décontractée et un brin rustique
J’aime la déco, en fait je l’adore! Mais il n’y a pas de déco s’il n’y a pas de pièce dans laquelle la faire. Dans cette maison, au style digne d’un Mas de Normandie, c’est la pièce et ses habitants qui ont inspirés la déco, je n’ai réellement aucun mérite, je vous l’assure….
Madie Turns 6: A Rainbow Unicorn Party
My daughter Madie turned 6 last weekend. She’s all grown up and yet she is still a rainbows and unicorns believing little princess at heart. So, to celebrate her rite of passage, we went all out and gave her just that: A rainbow unicorn bash and check out this little face! #UniSweet The…
Une salle de jeu… pour les grands
Avez-vous “trippé”, comme moi, sur la toile “Scout” de l’artiste Richard Phillips? L’originale est un peu plus provocante, alors j’ai préféré opter pour sa version resserrée du visage de la jeannette aux lunettes démesurées. En fait c’est cette toile qui a été l’inspiration du décor de la pièce. Lorsque j’ai appris que Marc travaillait…